Become a sponsor today as we fight hunger in Citrus County. Choose your sponsor package which includes tickets you can share with friends, employees, or customers. See details below.

Online Sponsor Application


All sponsorship levels include a link from the Beast Feast website back to your website (if provided).

SOLD  Beast Feast Event Sponsor (1 available) $10,000

Recognition as Event Sponsor on front of t-shirt
Logo on all print advertising Website Recognition | Social Media
Event Banner Recognition
20 General Admission Tickets
OR 10 VIP Tickets


Media Sponsors (“in-kind”) $4,000

Logo on back of event T-shirt | Some print advertising
Website Recognition | Social Media
Event Banner Recognition
10 General Admission Tickets
OR 5 VIP Tickets


Big Bison Sponsor $3,000

Logo on back of event T-shirt | Some print advertising
Website Recognition | Social Media
Event Banner Recognition
16 General Admission Tickets
OR 8 VIP Tickets


SOLD Band Sponsor (1 available) $2,500

Logo on back of event T-shirt
Recognition in some print advertising
Website Recognition | Social Media
Event Banner Recognition + Hang Your Banner
12 General Admission Tickets
OR 6 VIP Tickets


SOLD Bar Sponsor (1 available) $2,500

Logo on back of event T-shirt
Recognition in some print advertising
Website Recognition | Social Media
Event Banner Recognition + Hang Your Banner
12 General Admission Tickets
OR 6 VIP Tickets


SOLD VIP Bar Sponsor (1 available) $2,500

Logo on back of event T-shirt
Recognition in some print advertising
Website Recognition | Social Media
Event Banner Recognition + Hang Your Banner
12 General Admission Tickets
OR 6 VIP Tickets


SOLD Cup Sponsor (1 available) $2,500

Logo on back of event T-shirt
Your logo’d cup will be used at the event
You must provide branded cups (1,500)
Website Recognition | Social Media
Event Banner Recognition
12 General Admission Tickets
OR 6 VIP Tickets


SOLD Napkin Sponsor (1 available) $2,500

Logo on back of event T-shirt
Your logo’d napkins will be used at the event
You must provide branded dinner napkins (3,000)
Website Recognition | Social Media
Event Banner Recognition
12 General Admission Tickets
OR 6 VIP Tickets


Your Banner Sponsor $2,500

Logo on back of event T-shirt
Recognition in some print advertising
Website Recognition | Social Media
You supply a banner to us by March 3 no bigger than 20 sq ft
8 General Admission Tickets
OR 4 VIP Tickets


Bull Gator Sponsor $1,500

Logo on back of event T-shirt
Recognition in some print advertising
Website Recognition | Social Media
Event Banner Recognition
10 General Admission Tickets ($760 value)
OR 5 VIP Tickets ($796 value)


Whitetail Buck Sponsor $1,000

Company/Individual name on back of event t-shirt
Event Banner Recognition
Website Recognition | Social Media
8 General Admission Tickets ($570 value)
OR 4 VIP Tickets ($597 value)


Boar Hog Sponsor $600

Company/Individual name on back of event t-shirt
Website Recognition | Social Media
Event Banner Recognition
4 General Admission Tickets ($285 value)
NO VIP Available


All sponsorship money is due no later than February 20, 2025.
Sponsors logos are due no later than February 20, 2025.

If for any reason the Beast Feast is canceled on March 10, 2025, you as a sponsor will have first right for the same sponsorship for the next event. You will have 4 choices as to the disposition of this year’s donation: 1) Donate all of your sponsorship for the benefit of charities this year, 2) Donate some of your sponsorship for the benefit of charities this year, 3) Roll your sponsorship funds to the next event, 4) Receive a full refund of your sponsorship.

Online Sponsor Application

Please join us and support our effort to battle hunger in Citrus County!


